Nassau Association of School Technologists (NASTECH)

  • CoSer: 514.510 
    The Nassau Association of School Technologists (NASTECH) provides school district technology leaders and staff with an array of resources and professional development opportunities. By taking advantage of NASTECH, educators can stay informed of the latest developments in the dynamic field of instructional technology. NASTECH’s comprehensive support package fosters collaboration among member districts, and it helps educators identify and address common challenges to make cost-effective and pedagogically sound technology decisions for their schools.

    NASTECH services include:

    • monthly NASTECH luncheon meetings
    • participation in the NASTECH listserv
    • an extensive calendar of technology seminars and new product presentations
    • specially selected educational software and hardware packages and professional development options
    • participation in the Nassau BOCES computer hardware/software/networking and supplies consolidated bid
    • an up-to-date web site with NASTECH program information, features and resources
    • participation in NASTECH member Think Tank forums
    • institutional membership in the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN)

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